Tag: confidence

How Bad Do YOU Want It?

At every juncture, life will ask you a prime… premium question: How Bad Do You Want It? Every minute of every day with every action, every response, every consideration, you answer the question. You tell life what to do for you and how to do it. You tell life if you’re ready or if you’re faking. You tell life if you’ll fight or if you’ll flee. You tell life what type of GLADIATOR you are…

Step Outside of Your Comfort zone 30 Days of Prayer | #OurSisterCircle women in prayer, 30 days of prayer for women

30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 23 ★ Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 23 ★ Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone Prayers of Thanksgiving! Don’t get too comfortable where you are in life! Remember that we should keep ourselves challenged in appreciation of all that God has offered by way of our talents, resources and opportunities. Step OUTSIDE of your Comfort Zone Ladies! Enjoy! — @CoachDNicole www.facebook.com/OurSisterCircle…