Tag: running

ATTACK the Track! Build Your Muscle!

ATTACK the Track!

I was running yesterday thinking about how we sometimes get mentally fatigued… Our bodies and spirits can STILL withstand some “pain”, but mentally, we’ve faded. Attack the Track!

On particular paths, (perhaps a “repeat” path in life (and on a track)], our supposed fatigue is based upon our knowledge of a situation, past experience or future expectation (i.e. we THINK it’s going to be difficult, so… we essentially MAKE it difficult). Attack the Track!

I then thought about how God builds our muscle…. Mountains, valleys, mountain, terrain, valley… He works us OWT so that our responses should be different. We shouldn’t be fatigued by what we’re familiar with. We shouldn’t be fazed by paths we’ve already taken. We shouldn’t mentally expect to be lifeless because our muscle has been built up, which means… we should take our new ENERGIES to new levels!!!

Understand that nothing about YOU has faded! Combat life with renewed mental capacity and a revived spirit because He has built your muscle!‪#‎ATTACKtheTrack‬ ‪#‎BuildYourMUSCLE‬ Attack the Track!


I went running today.

As I was running, I noticed that my focus was off. (I can usually tell by my lack of proper breathing and lack of clarity.) I hadn’t been running in a while. It has surely been over a month since my last run, and I had been looking forward to getting back out there. Motivation was not the problem–FOCUS was.

Often, especially when it comes to running, I’ll take an unforeseen break and when I come back, I want to hit the pavement right where I started from… LITERALLY! I want to go back to running a 10 minute mile or a 30 minute 5k as if I had never left! The motivation was there! Admittedly, I wasn’t even concerned with focus. The harsh reality of it all was the fact that I was hardly being PRACTICAL! I made up my mind to skip the couch-to-5k app that I typically run with as I opted for my Nike+ Running app that would let me schedule my own run on my own terms versus following the paced instructions of the more practical #c25k app. I wanted to run a mile straight without having been mile-prepped for weeks!!! So, I ran…